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SALSA 2nd National Learning Stories Conference (2020 - Virtual)

SALSA Annual Learning Conference

Conference Details

“Reclaiming Voices of Equity and Diversity in Early Care and Education” is supported with a number of breakout session on recognizing culture and sharing perspectives.

Workshops and breakout sessions on topics ranging from writer’s workshops to how learning stories fit into the language of assessment.

The keynote speaker is learning story luminary, Wendy Lee, co-author of Learning Stories in Practice and Director of the Educational Leadership Project in New Zealand. Wendy helped establish Learning Stories as a national approach to assessment in New Zealand.

The 2nd Annual National Learning Stories Conference is being held in part by the generous sponsorship of Educa.

To find out more about the conference including speakers, sessions, the conference schedule, and more

April 19

SALSA 3rd National Learning Stories Conference (April - June 2021)